I was muddling around the World Wide Web the other day and I came across this disturbing graphic from the
Author: elrichiboy
The Killers and the Hitchhiker
This sounds like a movie. Read it now, or watch in a couple of years on our Sunday Matinee. A
Do You Like Cigarettes After Sex?
Because they’re playing tonight they played last night at the Lowbrow Palace. Check it out.
Remember when El Paso was cool? They’re back.
Remember this story I posted back in March about that El Paso band Cigarettes After Sex that achieved internet stardom
Death by a Thousand Cuts
The El Paso Inc. has a story this week about this year’s tax increases. Tax hikes are rarely popular. This
Consultation With a Doctor: $3.35
What could be more fun than talking about health care? Our deductible is so high that I don’t even know
Sunday Matinee: Get the Gringo
For you viewing pleasure, Get the Gringo, starring Mel Gibson, in a Mexican prison. This is the best movie you’re
Credit Where Credit is Due
We built this city on rock and roll.
We’re on the wrong side of the future.
The biggest major at UTEP is Criminal Justice. Because law enforcement and corrections are the biggest employers in El Paso.
Here’s Something You Weren’t Expecting
City Council should get a raise. I know that they’re pretty worthless and they haven’t been doing us any favors.
Can you get a cheaper EpiPen in Juarez?
I was going to tell you how you could get an EpiPen in Jaurez. You know, like in Canada: The
What were you thinking?
All those QoL projects are stupid. I think that none of them will significantly improve anyone’s real Quality of Life,
Now It’s Just a Matter of Time
Well, we’ve got bars and hotels. Triple A ball. A nice park in the middle of downtown. Pokemon Go. Big
Velando Juan Gabriel
Juan Gabriel, I think, shaped the way gays in Juarez think about themselves. On Avenida Juarez, Juanga stares down from
Sunday Matinee
Here’s the 2010 grind classic, Machete, on YouTube. And remember, Machete don’t text.
A Rare Word from the El Paso Times
This was on their website today: The problem is that people tend to gauge their ability to afford purchases based
Black Joe Lewis and the Honey Bears at Tricky Falls TONIGHT!!!
This is the last time I’m going to tell you. Black Joe Lewis and the Honey Bears are playing at
Live Large at Proper
In El Paso, we all know someone who prints t-shirts. Your brother. Your cousin. Your girlfriend’s boyfriend. That kid in
Fixed Idea at the Lowbrow Palace
Are you trapped in a loveless engagement? Do you want to break up with your significant other, but don’t know