By Bob Chessey This is Part 2 of a three part series. You can read Part 1 here. The Valera Affair One year later Harry

Scary video.
Here’s a horror movie that will keep you up at night. From the Masters of Horror over there at the
The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
Here’s a horror movie that will keep you up at night. From the Masters of Horror over there at the
They say they shot some of this movie near El Paso. I haven’t seen it. Lemme know.
I know you’re busy today, because we can’t all work for the the City, so here’s a short video to
Most El Pasoans aren’t aware that the City gets a little juice on all its projects. It’s called “Construction Management.”
Like Austin, South by Southwest used to be cool. Not anymore. Here’s part of their artists’ agreement, according to Rolling
Pat Garret Really Should Have Stayed the Night Organ, New Mexico isn’t really a ghost town these days, but I’m
More from those folks at #Highland Park. Check it out.
This post originally appeared on May 21, 2012. Last week I went to Juarez to see which bars were being
The problem with using Economic Growth as a rationale for building the arena is that the arena isn’t creating any
Next Monday, perennial Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador will visit El Paso courting the vote of Mexican expatriates.
The Axis of Evil and their henchmen today announced that they still want to stick the arena in Union Plaza.
In an announcement that only surprised the members of City Council, City Staff yesterday revealed that the streets in El
Here’s a video with music by my little girl. No Ban No Wall March | 2.25.2017 from Sarah Vasquez on
Have you seen these videos of President Trump slowed down? They’re probably on teevee. I don’t watch teevee.
The other day I came home from work and the pups wanted to play hide and seek. Luckily, I was
I love El Paso. I love the weather. I love the desert. I love those orange-red sunsets we sometimes get
Here’s a creepy Western about a grave robber. Check it out.
They stopped arguing. They’re just going to do it. They thought they could persuade us. Or, at least, present a
Please read this article on the DailyKos. Unless the pictures are Photoshopped, it sure looks like some of our president’s
La Polaka reports that Juarez is likely to be home to thousands of deportees. Acorde con los lineamientos revelados este