1. At long last, some good news out of City Hall! Would love to read your more detailed thoughts in a future post.

  2. Why did Brian Kennedy not vote on it? He says the city attorney advised his recusal because of a conflict of interest. Not to put too fine a point on it, but maybe Brian could have told us up front about potential reasons he could not vote against the arena. Because his opposition is the main reason I voted for him and wrote a check to his campaign.


    1. Weird, huh? What kind of a conflict could he have regarding moving the arena from one City-owned facility to another?

      Day One and Mr. Kennedy is already tainted by controversy. His constituents should ask him to explain his conflict of interest.

      On the bright side, I guess I’ll have something to write about.

      1. Really, taking thousands from Hunt and Foster (the rest of CC) isn’t conflict of interest? Brian, tell the City Attorney to GFY. This is why we backed you,!

      2. Please write about it.

        I am following my spiritual practice advice to hold one’s anger until the next day before I send him an email. I promoted him to friends and neighbors for the very reason that he was independent of the Hunt-Foster-Axis-of-Taxes and he caves into the city hall swamp bottom-feeder first day on the job.

  3. Meanwhile, they still have not done the smart thing and just shelved the entire stupid idea, have they? Personally, I still see no need for another small arena anywhere in town.

    1. Apparently, even though Mr. Kennedy recused himself from the vote, he participated in the discussion in Executive Session. The complaint was made by Dora Oaxaca, the wife of District 7 Representative Henry Rivera. Ms. Oaxaca is the former Chair of the El Paso County Democratic Party.

      Do you suppose that District 7 Representative Henry (Mr. Dora Oaxaca) Rivera discussed the inner workings of City Government with his wife? Who do you think pulls the apron strings in that relationship?

      Maybe another ethics complaint is in order.

  4. Rivera seems to have financed his political campaigns out of his IRA rather than contributions from supporters. Did you get what the ethics complaint was about? Is this what Brian is going to have to put up with – frivolous actions against him to hamstring his opposition to city debt?

    Also, note that the charter amendments call for sequestering 18% of wages toward the Police & Fire pension fund. That’s a lot and I am skeptical of hardwiring this into the charter rather than making the elected reps do their job each budget year. I can see why they’d love this: “Sorry about closing the parks and libraries, but it’s the 18% thing-y, doncha know. Don’t blame me.”

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