Category: Uncategorized

Make Yourself Heard
You know how our City Government doesn’t like to be bothered by the citizens at their meetings. Well, now they

Change is Hard
About ten years ago, the people who really run things in El Paso decided that the city needed public amenities

Sunday Matinee: Mafia
Here’s a seventies blaxploitation movie that was made in 2012. Starring Ving Rhames, Pam Grier, and the melting Terminator guy.

Does He, or Doesn’t he?
There has been some speculation lately about Mayor Margo’s motives for endorsing some of his political positions. An ethics complaint

A Private Letter To Paul Foster
If you’re not Paul Foster, please stop reading this. Pablo, Can I call you Pablo? I mean, it’s just us.

The Old Mexico Border
Here’s a cool photo essay from the New York Times about the territory that bordered the U.S. before the Mexican-American

Joe Bonamassa and Tina Guo
It’s easier than it looks. Watch this video on YouTube

The Future: Smaller Stadiums
The problem with a 50 year plan is that things change, as noted in this article from Axios: After years

The Mayor On Wikipedia
Did you know that Mayor Margo has a Wikipedia page? It’s a little sparse. Maybe you could make some edits.

“Market Value”
Today the County Commissioners are giving themselves a four percent raise. Here’s how Precinct 4 Commissioner Andrew Haggerty justified the

Sunday Matinee: Anon
Here’s a movie starring Clive Owen as a detective on an omniscient police force trying to stop a hacker who

Poop Doubt
Watch this video on YouTube I recently discovered in a Barnes & Nobel restroom that nerds are terrible shots, which

Sunday Matinee: Maigret in Montmarte
Here, for your viewing entertainment, is teevee movie. Looks pretty decent, so far. Watch this video on YouTube Check it