Author: elrichiboy

“New Mexico Passes $330 million coronavirus relief bill”
Allocates Big Bucks to Help Businesses Struggling from the Pandemic From CBSNews.com: New Mexico lawmakers on Tuesday passed a bipartisan

How to Live in El Paso: Bosque del Apache
Travel, these days, is next to impossible. Public transportation is Russian roulette. Leaving El Paso in the throes of pandemia

The City’s Hidden Tax Increase
The City made a big deal out of not raising the tax rate this year, despite losing revenue due to

Thanksgiving, or Not
Back when God was just outgrowing the training wheels on his celestial bicycle, I used to have a regular writing

Where Has the Money Gone?
As of this morning, El Paso has recorded 81,511 positive tests for the Coronavirus, and 862 Covid-19 deaths. On May

I try to stay away from national politics on El Chuqueño, because I don’t want to alienate potential readers. Lots

Vandalizing the Star
The El Paso Times reports that people have been vandalizing the star on the mountain. For 80 years, the Star

The Joe T. Hodo Show
Here’s something maybe you haven’t seen. Or maybe you have. It first “aired” in 2016. Later episodes feature Mr. Hodo’s

FOLI (there is no movement without rhythm) original version by Thomas Roebers and Floris Leeuwenberg

A Public Apology to the El Paso Times
I’ve ragged a lot on the El Paso Times (no pun intended). My animosity was chiefly rooted in their uncritical

We Should Fire Them All
I’m angry. From KFOX14.com: Five buildings throughout El Paso are being refurbished to assist the county combat COVID-19. . .