Author: elrichiboy

Armed Thugs Attack Veteran at El Paso V.A.
El Paso is in the national spotlight again. Again, it’s for all the wrong reasons. From Forbes.com: Shortly after he

The View From the Top
Lookie here. I took that photo from in front of the main gate, on Santa Fe, of the ballpark. See

Darren Carter – Teddy’s Cougar Den, El Paso, Texas
Hollywood (RIP) called Teddy’s Jurassic Park.

What the EPPD is Against
During Monday’s City Council Work Session, our elected officials discussed the direction they were going to give our legislative delegation

More Certificate of Obligation Debt
While you were sleeping Monday night, the kids on City Council were stealing your credit card. Around 10 o’clock, during

Home Valuations to Rise in El Paso
Vic Kolenc of the El Paso Times reports that the median price for a house in El Paso rose in

Things People from Albuquerque Say
But it could be El Paso.