Author: elrichiboy

A Cure for Covid?
Living on the edge of three states and two countries makes you appreciate the arbitrary vagaries of legislative jurisdictions. In

Descanse en Paz, El Recreo
El Recreo closed. El Recreo opened in 1921. This year we should be celebrating its centennial. But El Recreo is

The Decline of Six Sigma
From Quartz (qz.com) via Pocket: Six Sigma, at its core, is a system for eliminating defects in manufacturing. The name

3 2 of 4 CREEED Candidates lose EPISD Bids
Three out of the four candidates receiving support from the Kids First PAC, which is supported by members of the

Groundhog Day
Here’s the front page of the El Paso Times for the last couple of days. It’s like deja vu all

David Dorado Romo in The Atlantic
Local historian David Dorado Romo is prominently featured in this month’s Atlantic Magazine, in a story titled America Never Wanted