Author: elrichiboy

Questions Relocation Experts Ask Our City Manager
Getting back to this KFOX interview with City Manager Tommy Gonzalez: “We’ve been successful in bringing different types of big-name

Feliz Cumple, Tin Tan!
Double Feature! La Marca Del Zorrillo and Soy Charro de Levita

I Will Not Seek Endorsements
I’ve had a couple of groups reach out to me with questionnaires I could fill out to win their endorsements.

What You’ll Get From the Arena
Best case scenario: Collateral development. Maybe other businesses will spring up around the arena. Like what? When they were promoting

Tommy Gonzalez Doesn’t Share Our Values
The City can’t stop spending your money. Here’s a story from KFOXtv.com titled ‘We haven’t given up on Great Wolf

“Arena” Meeting TODAY at 5:30
Surprise! CBS4Local reports that the City is hosting a meeting regarding the arena at 5:30 today in the large conference

“Why Do (Some) Humans Love Chile?”
From Sapiens.org: Psychology researchers, on the other hand, have posited that some people’s preference for capsaicin-containing foods is related to