All across American, downtowns are in trouble. They’re dead, or dying. It’s epidemic. When happy motoring drew middle class Americans
Author: elrichiboy
Las Cruces has lots more exciting news than El Paso. “While being booked last Thursday night at the Doña Ana
When machetes attack
Las Cruces has lots more exciting news than El Paso. “Las Cruces Police detectives learned that Gower was at 810
The economic impact of a downtown baseball stadium
Are they crazy? Seventy-one games a year. Four hours a game, including pedestrian commute time. The rest of the time,
Militant Bicyclists
“Is it any surprise that most cyclists indentify as atheists and liberals?” (read more) Hat tip to Federico Villalba.
Music Under the Influence
Have y’all been to Music Under the Stars lately? Of course you haven’t, because they’re not letting you bring your
What if the baseball team sucks?
What if the team sucks? Because (spoiler alert), they do. (read more)
Strike One!
I’m sure they mean well, those private investors and city politicians who want to build a baseball stadium in downtown
Seven a.m.
I hate vodka. I hate the icepick headaches that are the signature feature of vodka hangovers. I hate not knowing
Mexican kidnap cops caught on video
Here’s a story about some policia in Jalisco, barging into a hotel and picking up three men who were later
Dancin’ Boots
I really love your hair, not many women can pull that off, she says. I smile and thank her, my
American Exceptionalism?
You do not have to believe in the superiority of your country over others to love your country. The globalization
Cartel rumors or brain tumors?
This story comes to us from the Arizone Republic via Molly Malloy at Frontera List. “Although the grisly deaths were
The 16th District from 20,000 feet
The Economist wrote about the 16th Congressional District of Texas primary campaign between Beto O’Rourke and Silvestre Reyes. While they
Trouble in Paradise
Last week I went to Juarez to see which bars were being closed. (read more)
Never let a crisis go to waste
The building that burned down on a Friday in April was not particularly important, despite the gnashing of teeth over
In Defense of Flea Markets
Admittedly, they could have come up with a better name for the flea market. Over the past decade, various