A couple of tradesmen I know, top-notch remodel types, are hurting for work. Like if you call them, they’re at
Author: elrichiboy
Our Excellent Adventure
Those cats at the Borderplex Alliance suggest our region become known for Quality. Where should we start? Maybe we should
Hooray for the Borderplex Alliance
In this piece in the El Paso Inc., titled Carruthers: Why the region needs to work together former New Mexico
So Many Questions
Did you see this editorial in the El Paso Times? It seems that El Paso’s unemployment rate is going down
City Finances
In this post on ElPasoSpeak, Brutus reveals the City’s dirty little secret: our bonds have balloon payments coming due in
El Paso’s Brand Identity
The important part of the concept of Brand Identity isn’t brand, it’s identity. A city can’t be as fake as
That Revolution You’ve Been Waiting for Isn’t Coming
It’s already here. McDonald’s is closing more restaurants than it’s opening this year. We’re on the verge of the planet’s
Crazy Joe Muench and San Jacinto Plaza
In Sunday’s El Paso Times, Crazy Joe Meunch says he wants to know what’s going on with San Jacinto Plaza.
More on the Police States of America
In New Hampshire, who’s slogan is “Live Free or Die,” it’s the police and their families who live free, and
County Judge to Declare El Paso Drought Disaster Area
This from the El Paso Times: [County Judge Veronica] Escobar will move forward with a disaster declaration on Monday as
The Police States of America
Those hippy tree-huggers over at Amnesty International claim that all fifty U.S states fail to meet international standards on lethal
Life Lessons from Dusty Henson
From the El Paso Times:, in their story about the closing of El Paso Saddleblanket: “You don’t feel good about
Richard Dayoub on the Borderplex Alliance’s New Strategic Plan
El Paso Chamber of Commerce President Richard Dayoub expressed hope and reservations about the Borderplex Alliance’s new strategic plan, in
NASA: The World is Running Out of Water
More good news on the potable water front, from NASA via the Washington Post. We’re using groundwater faster than we’re
News from the 4th Estate
Have you noticed that since Gannett announced the takeover of the El Paso Times that the quality of their reporting
Income Distribution and Economic Growth
Those Communists at the International Monetary Fund have decided that when people talk about trickle-down economics, they’re pissing on your
My Big Idea
I have a transformative branding concept for the City of El Paso. I mean it. It’s something we could all
Big Ideas from the Borderplex Alliance, Bless Their Hearts
I’ve been reading the Borderplex Alliance’s Regional Strategic Plan 2015-2020, which you can download here, if you’re feeling a little
The Margarita Cabrera Sculpture Debacle Continues
Accomplished author and journalist Debbie Nathan has summoned some damning emails from the City of El Paso’s handling of artist