Here’s the latest from the committee with the Orwellian name, the Public Service Board, via the Times:
El Paso Water officials may raise rates again in 2017, and the city utility is holding a public budget meeting Mondayto hash out details.
The El Paso Public Service Board, which oversees the city water utility, already held a meeting Nov. 7 for its stormwater budget, and is looking at a proposal to increase customers’ stormwater fee by 61 cents per month for an average water bill.
The PSB in March increased the stormwater fee 11 percent, or about 35 cents per month on an average bill.
Yeah, well I’ve got a secret for the Times. Water rates are going up for the next five years, according to this story from the Times:
“We are looking to have to raise our fees every year for the next five years. We raised them last year, we raised them this year. At least here, the fees are very small … still very affordable” said Marcela Navarrete, of the Public Service Board.
We should get them a subscription.