On July 15,2022, I wrote about the Onward Alamedo project here.
“The city has another project on the burner called Onward Alameda.”
The Onward Alameda Corridor Plan seeks to gather big-picture input from the citizens of El Paso and establish a long-term vision for the future of the Alameda Corridor area and how it should evolve in the coming years. A master plan establishes priorities for public-sector action while at the same time providing direction for complementary private-sector decisions. The plan and its guidelines serve as a tool to evaluate new development proposals, direct capital improvements, and guide public policy in a manner that realizes the vision and reflects community values and needs.
This corridor study area includes the 13-mile stretch of Alameda Avenue within the City of El Paso, from Texas Avenue to the city boundary, as well as 1.5 miles of Texas Avenue from Alameda Avenue to Campbell Street. The focus of the physical planning elements of the study extends approximately one quarter of a mile in either direction from the centerline of Alameda Avenue.
“Did anyone notice that Alameda works perfectly good for the businesses that operate there? For the families that live there? There are few vacant lots along Alameda. Just about every store on Alameda is an independently owned small business.”
The City thinks its in the business of top-down gentrification, but top-down gentrification doesn’t work without underlying demand. If the city’s not growing, you’re not managing growth. You’re just re-slicing the pie.

The press conference is at Beall Elementary at the corner of Raynor and Rivera at 4:30 Thursday, September 5.