Greetings, fellow citizens.
If you own property in El Paso, you better get in line at the plasma donation center and sell your clothes on eBay today so the taxman won’t foreclose on your house.
Yeah, you “donate” your plasma, but they compensate you for the time it takes to do it. Thank God for loopholes.
Make your check out to the Tax Assessor/Collector. The Borderplex Alliance (nee Paso del Norte Group) does not take your money directly, nor does the ballpark, nor the Quality of Life bond folks, nor Boondoggles, Inc. All your tax dollars are distributed to those recipients by the City, via a compliant City Council, with the blessing of past City Councils and the former City Manager.
Hurry, and don’t forget the vig. The taxing authorities start charging juice February 1. They won’t break your leg, but they have no compunction about putting you out on the street.