The Looming Immigration Policy

by Xavier Miranda

As we approach a second Trump presidential term, it is vital we educate ourselves on looming immigration policy that must be called out for its fascist components.  

Already despotic state and federal policies have been evident in our borderlands:

  • Separation of immigrant children from their families as they seek asylum. 
  • Detention of immigrant children that exceed the 20 day limit as per the Flores settlement.  
  • Exploitation of Title 42 expulsions. 
  • Immigration Customs Enforcement having lost track of over one thousand immigrant children and their parents in terms of reunification efforts. 
  • Border Patrol agents have fatally shot children in the border regions, as well as conducting high-speed car chases in our streets with fatal results.
  • Operation Lone Star/ SB4
  • Mandates for hospital personnel to report patient citizenship status, prompting immigrants to forego medical care.  

At a time in history wherein apatheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide are being perpetrated in Palestine, with the complicity of the United States government, it is important to acknowledge that technology and policies utilized by Israel are also being used in our border communities. 

The historical parallels do not go unnoticed in our community given our past, e.g., the Bath Riots of 1917 and Operation Wetback of 1954, among the most prominent. 

Escalation of this transition to fascism is already evident in El Paso as detention facilities are erected and the militarization of our community quietly take place, with no pushback from local Democrats. There is no doubt the associated $315 billion price tag to enrich the incarceration and surveillance industries is likely to be touted as an economic driver. 

The initial deportation of over 1.5 million immigrants in the proposed three phases, may occur through workplace, hospital, and school raids. As much as it may seem as hyperbole, a culture of fear is being forged.

The following xenophobic policies have been tapped to justify our incoming president’s policies:

  • Aliens Enemies Act of 1798
  • Operation Aurora
  • Elimination of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
  • Utilization of the Department of Defense and National Guard to enforce immigration.
  • Threats to withhold federal funds from state and municipal entities refusing to comply with Trump’s mandates. 
  • Refusal of in-state tuition 
  • Criminalization of organizations deemed as aiding terrorist groups
  • The utilization of school buildings to detain immigrants.

Fortunately, we have various resources in terms of organizations and groups that advocate for immigrant rights. Regardless of status, the United States Constitution, namely the 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments ensure the rights of all people are upheld. It is through education that our democracy will be preserved. 

If you are so inclined to get involved, please consider supporting the numerous efforts of the following local organizations:

Lastly, for colleagues in education, feel free to contact me should you wish to participate in Know Your Rights presentations. 

Xavier Miranda


  1. In his 2017 non-fiction treatise on Fascism and Naziism, “The Big Lie”, best-selling author Dinesh D’Souza definitively and exhaustively describes in fascinating detail why virtually everything in this article is essentially the exact opposite of true.

    What is “the big lie” of the Democratic Party in this book? Their big lie asserts that conservatives—and President elect Donald Trump in particular—are fascists and even Nazis. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes, there is a fascist threat in America—but that threat is from the Left and the Democratic Party, not from the Republican right. The fact is that the Democratic left has an ideology virtually identical with fascism and routinely borrows tactics of intimidation and political terror from the Nazi Brownshirts and even the Fascist Blackshirts. e.g. The rise of the violent BLM and ANTIFA jack-booted thugs who are routinely praised and unopposed by “mainstream” leftist American lawmakers, democrat candidates and the left wing mainstream media–especially during their violent rampage of illegal vandalism and looting across many parts of the country.

    In this book, Dinesh D’Souza explodes the Left’s big lie. He skillfully exonerates President Trump and his supporters, then uncovers the Democratic Left’s long, incestuous relationship with Nazism: how the racist and genocidal acts of early Democrats inspired Adolf Hitler’s campaign of death; how fascist philosophers influenced the great 20th century lions of the American Left; and how today’s anti-free speech, anti-capitalist, anti-religious liberty, pro-violence Democratic Party is a frightening simulacrum of the Nazi Party.

    The book shows why and how the Democratic left’s coordinated, lockstep campaign to portray President Trump and conservatives as Nazis is to cover up its own fascist roots and practices, which is in fact, the biggest lie of all.

    In a word, this book is a must read, especially for all who think and feel.

    1. Is your argument that not all assholes are fascists? Or that government is inherently fascist? Or that the U.S. Government is universally fascist, regardless of which political party is in charge?

      Or just the Democrats?

      How do you feel about family separation?

  2. Excellent questions Rich and thank you for asking! I’m flattered to have this opportunity to chime in on this article yet again, especially here on this absolutely awesome website that you’ve put together with plenty of your own blood, sweat & tears. I haven’t known about it for very long, but I’ve become a huge fan of it.

    Let’s pretend like we’re going to take your last question first, and then pretend like we’re not pretending anymore. When we talk about children we need to focus on the most important and relevant problems first, and perhaps some of the flanking problems too, and answer your direct question as well. The democrat administration opened our borders on virtually day 1, almost four years ago. By doing so they dramatically boosted the Mexican Cartels’ human and children sex slave and illegal narcotics international smuggling operations. This directly impacted countless children from Mexico and other foreign countries in an unimaginably hellish way. So when we talk about the separation of children it’s not really so much about that, as it is about the wide open border.

    The other horrible impact of this sinister industry is that it is joined at the hip with, and fully funding China’s Fentanyl component industry which kills countless Americans over the last 4 years. Regarding separating families with children, if we give the benefit of the doubt and assume that this is actually a thing, then the corrupt mainstream media must be complaining about it. Although I don’t follow them, I think this is still a safe assumption ever since Elon Musk and Mark Z completely blew the lid off of the fact that they (and others like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, etc.) have been taking all their “marching orders” directly from the the democrats since about 2015. Compared to the other children problems I mentioned, I’ve heard, seen and read from popular media (not mainstream media) that the incoming Trump administration is looking at maybe giving these families the option to be deported together, without separating them. However, like I alluded to, my concerns are much more focused on the international child sex slave trafficking problems that are benefited by the current administration’s wide open border policy crisis scandal, as well as the Fentanyl crisis that also kills innocent children, presumably both foreign and domestic.

    Regarding your first question, whether my point of my first comment was that all Fascist aren’t always A-holes, or that all Democrats and Republicans are Fascists, or if it is just Democrats that are Fascists? (I think that was the question, right?? Lol) Although that is a rather loaded question and/or a flat-out “faulty dilemma” type question, I’ll humor you and play along. No, none of those options was my point. My point was that historical events of 19th and early 20th century show that the Democrats were the primary originators and practitioners of Fascism, and that even Hitler and his cohorts were inspired my the fascist practices of19th and early-mid 20th century southern USA democrats and decided to borrow and adopt some of their same general principles for the early Nazi platform. The book that I mentioned, Dinesh D’Souza’s 2017 historical nonfiction book, “The Big Lie.” goes into this in much greater detail.

    On a separate subject, I encourage ALL readers of this website to support Richard Wright on running this fantastic, informative, fun and exciting free speech website by making at least a modest donation here.

    Until soon!
    James (Jim) Sawtelle

  3. One additional point on the alleged separation of families with children at the border. If the left is complaining about it, and we further assume that it is still occurring, then who is administering and conducting the separation? That would be the democrats as they’re the ones who have been in office and in control of that for the past 4 years.

  4. What happened to the unaccompanied children who were dropped on this side of the border? Thousands of them in the last four years. The media are silent on it.

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