The Latest Dope on Drinking in Juarez

El Diario reports that, starting today, the bars and restaurants and grocery stores that sell alcohol in Juarez will be open an hour longer.

De esta manera, los bares pueden mantener sus puertas abiertas hasta las 03:00, pues regularmente deben cerrar a las 2:00 horas.

Los expendios y vinaterías que tienen permiso de venta hasta las 10:00 de la noche, desde hoy extenderán su horario hasta las 23:00 horas (11:00 de la noche).

La ampliación se aplicará a partir de hoy desde las tiendas de abarrotes con permiso para vender cerveza, hasta los bares y centros nocturnos.

In other words,

Hence, bars can keep their doors open until 3:00 a.m., when they regularly have to close at 2:00.

The beer depots and liquor stores that have permission to sell until 10:00 at night, starting today will extend their hours of operation until 11:00.

The extended hours will apply to grocery stores with permission to sell beer, and also night clubs and bars.

The extra hour will stay in effect until January 9.

El Diario also has several articles about the proposal in the Chihuahua state legislature to allow the bars in Juarez to stay open 24 hours.

Check it out.

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