By Bob Chessey This is Part 3 of a three part series. You can read Part 1 here, and Part 2 here. Valera’s Arrest The

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
The skeptics point to Covid-19 fatality rates that are lower than projected and cry “Fraud”. But recent research indicates a
Preston Foster died last week in a one-car accident in Colorado. El Chuqueño extends our sincerest condolences to his family
Did you have a voice in the political process when City Council announced on a Thursday that they were going
A week after our city’s elected officials voted to give City Manager Tommy Gonzalez and City Attorney Karla Nieman merit
More good news. From this week’s El Paso Inc.: As they exhaust pandemic aid and see no end to the
Here’s a perspective on charitable giving by the rich during the pandemic, from that socialist rag, the Guardian. Private philanthropy
You know I’ve been saying that the real cost of all those vanity projects for the leisure class is what
Here’s an article in Forbes titled Why Texas Is In Trouble—78,064 Public Employees With $100,000+ Paychecks Cost Taxpayers $12 Billion:
Here’s a long read from ProPublica and the New York Times Magazine: Conjoined to the Mexican city of Juárez, the
Agents provocateur are a standard element of the anarchist playbook. They’ll get in with some peaceful protestors, and then break
Alert reader Mr. Natural tipped me to this article from A new systematic review of more than a dozen
From the El Paso Times: Amazon, the giant online retailer, plans to open one of its distribution centers in El Paso, company