Mmm, Salsa!

I know you know how to make salsa, because there’s no wrong way to make salsa. Chiles, tomatoes, tomatillos, onion, garlic, cilantro, salt, spices.

And I know that the dining rooms are closed, but the grocery stores are open, and you’ve got time on your hands. So you might as well bust out.

Let me suggest some variations that might not have occurred to you, even if your last name ends with a vowel or a z.

First of all, burn some of those ingredients. Tomatoes, onions, chiles, or garlic, before you throw them in the blender. It’ll give your salsa a smoky flavor.

Chop some onions and cilantro and add them after the blender. It’ll give you salsa some texture.

Consider fruit. Then forget about it. It’s the thought that counts.

Consider peanut butter. No, really. Just a teaspoon. Not so much that people can taste peanut butter. Just enough peanut butter to confuse them.

Chicken Knorr, or Maggi. Unless your feeding vegans.

Minute quantities of other spices, like curry powder, or turmeric, for just a hint of flavor. Again, not so much that people can identify the spices you added. Just a hint.

Have you noticed that jalapeños aren’t hot anymore? I choose serranos, and you can always throw in a habanero for kick(s).

I’m sure y’all have tricks of your own. Please include them in the comments.


  1. One of my simple salsas. Use 25 serranos, 20 habaneros, 6 big Roma tomatoes . Put all of them in a big plastic bag add olive oil and garlic (6) shake it. Put all on a baking sheet then put them I the oven for 20 minutes. After that put them on the blender at high speed salsa is ready add thyme. Mmm, Listo !

    1. Can you also use that salsa to remove paint? It sounds like you weaponized it.

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