Joyce Wilson Speaks (Again)

Former City Manager Joyce Wilson is the gift that won’t stop giving.

She wrote another letter to the El Paso Times this week. I’m sure she’ll carpet bomb the rest of the media with it again, as she has with her last few bromides.

Here’s a notable quote from Ms. Wilson, brazen for its hypocrisy.

To attack critics is typical of these thin-skinned politicians whose behavior shows a disdain for anyone who doesn’t agree with them, and a complete lack of regard for community volunteers.

. . .

This is typical of the disrespect shown to many community groups by this city council.

Me thinks she doth protest too much.

Did someone attack their critics? I didn’t hear about it. Remember, as City Manager, Ms. Wilson called those who questioned the advisability of blowing up City Hall to build a ballpark “Crazies”.

You’d be hard pressed to find another local government official who showed that level of disrespect to anyone who disagreed with them.

Wouldn’t you think that the oligarchs and their minions would be able to find someone else to carry their water? I mean, someone more respected than our disgraced former City Manager.

I hope she’s getting compensated. But who would pay her?

One comment

  1. Hell, we already paid her enough to last most of us a lifetime, didn’t we? She’s just one of those gifts that keep on giving, isn’t she?

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