An old donkey fell in a well. The donkey was old, and the well was dry, so the farmer decided
Author: elrichiboy
Paul Krugman’s New Normal
The problem, Mr. Krugman points out, riffing on Larry Summers’ speech to the IMF, is that we’re not all buying
Worse Than ASCAP
According to this story in El Diario, people are killing vendors of pirated CD’s and DVD’s on Juarez streets. A
Downtown Parking
Maybe you’ve negotiated the Times excruciating new website to read this story about a study for a new parking garage
American Democracy Unmasked
Listen to this cynical (probably entirely correct) rant from former Fox News commentator Judge Andrew Napolitano about the state of
The Middle Class is Obsolete
According to this interesting article from Alternet, the decline in the middle class is of no concern to the wealthy,
More on Dwntwn
By now you may have read this story by David Crowder about the Downtown Management District shenanigans. To recap quickly,
The End of the Interwebs
According to this opinion piece from Wired, we all better enjoy the internet while we can. The country’s second highest
Dwntwn, Fast and Furious
There’s an interesting story by David Crowder in today’s El Paso Inc. Here’s much of the story, as related in
Deming Sued for Sodomizing Civilian
Here’s an interesting story about a police stop gone wrong. Very wrong. And they have duck races, too. [Update]: It
Mr. Crazy Knows Best
I think Mr. Crazy said it best: I came to the conclusion that even though I’m gonna have to wear
Times up and out
The El Paso Times parent corporation, citing the soft economy and increased on-line competition, layed off 19 people this week,
The Moving Target
Did anyone notice the cognitive dissonance in the noise coming out of the ballpark crowd? I am really trying to
Promoting Downtown El Paso
Promoting higher population densities in the urban core is a good thing. Higher population densities, and better public transportation, yield
Deadspin on Chihuahuas
Two-word team names are minor league baseball’s bread and butter, and while the Desert Gators and Sun Dogs sound like
Brand El Paso (fixed)
Mithoff Burton Partners (“where creativity goes to die,” as one commenter put it) were given $300,000 by the City of
In Defense of the Ballpark
Here’s a video from El Paso Triple A Baseball (I guess) helping you to understand the noble goals MountainStar Sports
Ortega’s Gambit
You’ve read that Steve Ortega has moved to quash his deposition, and the attempt to sift his emails relating to
City Slogans
Here’s an article from the Atlantic on new city slogans for 2011. Even the worst is better than It’s All