This week’s lead story in the El Paso Inc. is about the SeaDoo company opening up a new $55 million
Author: elrichiboy
Mushroom Management Revisited
Here’s an interesting article from this week’s El Paso Inc. The story explains how El Pasoans will start drinking “purified”
Regarding the Lincoln Center
The city is making some half-hearted, too-little-too-late attempt to save Lincoln Center. I’m not surprised. Those nefarious powers that be
Welcome to Amerika
Here’s a story about a DEA raid in Alpine, Texas, that should raise some serious concerns about the country we
Is sidelining City Manager Joyce Wilson related to the Open Records request now percolating through the Texas Court of Appeals?
The Sixty-Four Dollar Question
This week’s Question and Answer session in the El Paso Inc. is an interview with Patrick Schaefer, Executive Director of
Devitalizing Downtown
Remember when Billy Abraham was the bad guy? He didn’t maintain all his downtown properties. “Demolition by neglect,” the pundits
Secrets of Horse Trading
Where I went to college, I had to take a class in horse trading. And one of the lessons was
El Paso: It’s Almost Good
According to this story in the El Paso Times, City Council will ask Joyce Wilson to stand out of the
Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch
Well, just like I predicted, the El Paso City Council has offered the job of City Manager to former Irving,
Spring in El Paso
The wind chuffs at a respectably constant 20+ miles per hour, with occasional gusts of forty or fifty or sixty.
Best Friends Forever
I don’t want to queer the deal by pointing it out, but El Paso finally has an effective voice in
The Die is Cast
You have, by now, no doubt, seen the list of candidates for El Paso’s next City Manager. I’m opining that
The Mennonite Connection
Here’s a piece about Mennonites smuggling cocaine into Canada: Jacob Fehr was sentenced last week to seven years in prison
At least they’re not peeing on the Alamo
He probably thought it was just any old historic mission: A judge ordered a 23-year-old El Paso man to spend
Is it trickle down economics if someone’s peeing on your leg?
More good news for the people who are responsible for El Paso’s economic development, the Borderplex Alliance. Business is booming
How About El Paso?
All you chile-heads have probably been following this story about Sriracha’s fight with the city of Irwindale, California. For those
300 MPG Volkswagen Not Available in the USA
Here’s a story that maintains that Americans are being denied the opportunity to buy cars with fuel-efficient technology because oil
It’s a Good Day
Your life just got way better and you didn’t even know it. Here’s a story in which a World Bank
Tarnished Brands: The Abuse of Trust
Maybe you saw this piece about the 120 most trusted brands in America. Brand management is serious business, and it