Here’s a story that’s either comforting or disturbing or both. Government scientists are investigating whether reality is as real as
Author: elrichiboy
Leading Indicators
If the County of El Paso were a publicly held company, these two stories would give investors reason to short
Mission Accomplished!
Well, the numbers are in, and the ballpark is a huge success. Attendance records have been broken, businesses are swarming
More Tiny Houses for Homeless People
Here’s the latest. This one’s from Portland. Portland is preparing to endorse the construction of communities of tiny houses on
A Closer Look at Austin’s Newest Housing Project
My interest was piqued by the tidbit of information about Austin’s newest project to provide housing to the chronically homeless.
The Divided Future of El Paso
I was surprised to see many of El Paso’s first citizens at the recent meeting to discuss the potential move
Our Budget Deficit
By now you’ve heard that El Paso is facing a $3.5 million deficit, and City Council will probably raise property
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Friday I went to a ballgame. You remember the ballpark. “El Paso citizens approved $500 million in “Quality of Life”
Stick It in Your Smug Pocket
Sometimes something so good happens, I want to tell everybody. But then I feel sorry for everyone who isn’t me.
An Open Letter to the Man Behind the Curtain
Re Downtown Development: You’re doing it wrong (Read more.)
Trouble at Team Shapleigh
I don’t usually comment on local politics, per se. A lot of other bloggers cover that beat. But last night
El Paso Asylum Seekers Sold Out
If you’ve been paying attention, you may have noticed that the elements of our government tasked with protecting our borders
So That’s What We’re Celebrating Today
Today is the International Day of the Female Orgasm. The holiday apparently originated in the northeast town of Esperantina [Brasil]
Commercial Property Tax Valuations Down
If you trust the El Paso Times as your only news source, you probably didn’t notice that commercial property tax
The El Paso Times versus The El Paso Inc.
I confess I rarely read the print edition of the El Paso Times. Last week one came with the Wall
Who Will Replace Jaime Esparza?
With his recent highly public history of selective enforcement of the law, one can only conclude that our District Attorney
But Some of Us are More Equal
A kid gets in a fist fight with an off-duty police officer, in which the officer falls down and hits
Why There’s No Place Like El Paso
Here’s an incredible opportunity:
Mmm, Yogurt
Well, the El Paso Times reports that a yogurt shop is opening downtown: A combined TCBY frozen yogurt/Mrs. Fields cookies
From Paris (or anywhere but El Paso) With Love
In a related note, Homegrown El Paso is starting a music festival at Ascarate Park. According to this story in