Can the movie be as good as this trailer featuring all our local heroes? PLASMA SWORD from Roberto Urrea on

The dog barks, and the caravan moves on.
Can the movie be as good as this trailer featuring all our local heroes? PLASMA SWORD from Roberto Urrea on
The word on the street is that District 8 Representative Cortney Niland was considering a run for mayor. She just
In this Sunday’s El Paso Times, former Mayor John Cook says: But Cook said he is concerned that even combining
The El Paso Times didn’t include this item in their online edition, but I found it anyway through a Google
We don’t vote till May. But now’s the time to get your shit together. We’re rushing headlong into the season
Those politicians sitting in chambers at City Hall would like you to believe that their hearts grew three sizes one
I’ve often wondered why the Juarez plaza is so hotly contested by Mexico’s drug trafficking organizations. I surmise that there’s
Yesterday we were driving up to Carlsbad Caverns and we heard this piece on the radio. I guess they were
Some people (you know who you are) have been speculating about whether some of the $75 million in bond money
Frequent commenter John G. Dungan sent this in to remind us of our history. The constant push from City Council
Here’s a disturbing video of a SWAT raid on some citizens’ house, taken from a documentary called Do Not Resist.
Brutus over there at ElPasoSpeak makes some good points with deeper implications, in this post titled EPISD bonds-story changes again.
Multiple news sources report that the average price for gasoline in Mexico will rise from 14 to 20 percent in
People are wingeing all over my Facebook feed about this carrot-hybrid we elected to be president. Well, get used to
Okay, music fans. El Paso’s songbird Emily Davis is playing a show at Proper Printshop to finance gas and ramen
Good news, chuqueños. The foreboding sense of doom you’ve been feeling for the past several years is not a brain
Here’s an interesting article from the New York Times, delineating the most popular teevee shows in different markets. In El
Is your much better half after you to make some New Year’s resolutions? When Claire asks me what I want
Poor Ann Morgan Lilly. She’s like the queen of a country that no longer exists, and she can’t quite come
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Juarez is cheap. A dollar buys twenty pesos now. And