by Rich Wright
From Page 3 of the City’s El Paso Uptown+Downtown Citywide Market Analysis Appendix:

From the fine print: “El Paso grew by an estimated 51,455 new residents per year since 2010 . . . .”
[Since this post was published, the City has changed the name of the document from El Paso Uptown+Downtown Citywide Analysis Appendix to El Paso Uptown+Downtown Citywide Analysis Proformas. Here’s a note on pro formas from
“It’s illegal for publicly traded companies to mislead investors with pro forma financial results that do not use the most conservative possible estimates of revenue and expense.”]
*Of course, it’s bullshit. Here’s the U.S. Census Bureau estimates:

The U.S. Census Bureau, the federal government agency responsible for counting people, says that El Paso’s estimated population was 677,456 on July 1, 2022.
Horrors. Is the City of El Paso lying to us?
Of course they are. It’s Standard Operating Procedure. The City always has their finger on the trigger of the Prevaricator®.
The Uptown+Downtown Plan is a housing boondoggle, so they have to pretend that we need more housing, so they ginned up an estimate to show that the population is growing.
They just think that we’re stupid.
If U.S. Census Bureau estimates show that El Paso has lost population every year since 2017, then the City will just pay “consultants” to come up with more favorable estimates.
I’d really expected that with the new City Council, and the departure of the former City Manager, things might change. But apparently they have not. At least, not yet.