Good news for all those ballpark advocates: There is still lots of opportunity in downtown El Paso!
With the Southwestern University Ballpark opening in less than two months, there are still lots of vacant storefronts just waiting for gullible entrepreneurs to move right in. The block immediately south of the Plaza de los Lagartos is only maybe thirty percent occupied, if you measure by number of storefronts. If you measure by square feet, the percentage available jumps to maybe eighty-five percent.
This a great opportunity for you to join the businesses already thriving on that block by opening another vibrant Signature Loan place!
Also, you’ll want to take advantage of the renovated Plaza de los Lagartos by opening a Ping Pong accessory store right across the street from the Plaza. Or maybe a store that specializes in terry cloth headbands for the chess players that are projected to take advantage of the new chess tables. The good news is that every storefront facing the plaza is available! Every one!
Act fast before the downtown real estate speculators persuade city government to turn the rest of downtown into a dried up turd.
And don’t forget to vote.