Here’s a story to cheer you up. Things are getting improbably worse than you could imagine. Large sections of the
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Social Activist’s Body Found in Morelos
Some people in Mexico think that the government had more culpability in the disappearance of the 43 students from Ayotzinapa
Mexico Offers Undocumented Americans Amnesty
For a limited time, U.S. citizens living in Mexico illegally can normalize their status, according to this story. The issue
Mesilla Park State Representative Proposes Legalizing Pot
According to this story in the Albuquerque Journal, New Mexico State Representative Bill McCamley was discouraged but not dissuaded by
Shadow Prisons: How the Government Built More Private Prisons and Then Arrested More People
Here’s an interesting story (that incidentally features nice photos of El Paso): A Fusion investigation found that without a single
America’s Largest Street Gang: a video about law-enforcement
If you think we have it bad here in El Paso, where the police only occasionally murder a handcuffed prisoner,
From Zero to $129,000 a Month in Four Months
According the Texas State Comptroller, the top five locations in El Paso for liquor sales in December were: Bar Fly
Is Retaliation the EPPD’s Unofficial Policy?
In On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City, Sociology Professor Alice Goffman recounts In interviews, Warrant Unit officers
Stop the Presses! El Paso Times Publishes (almost) Critical Editorial!
In an uncharacteristically critical editorial on Sunday, the El Paso Times noted the limits of El Paso’s recent unemployment report.
Is the Border Patrol Out of Control?
There was the incident last week where Border Patrol agents chased a man for thirty miles before they shot him
About the Camino Real
Locals are the worst people to ask about hotels, because mostly locals don’t stay in local hotels. The Camino Real
White King Puto
I’m thinking the branding company didn’t perform due diligence seeing how this product name translated into other cultural contexts. Or
Deflate-gate Started in 2007
Here is an extremely interesting analysis of the New England Patriots recent seasons, which seems to indicate that maybe the
Hotel Occupancy Rates Up for 2014, Maybe
According to this story in the El Paso Times, local hotel occupancy was up last year. El Paso’s hotel occupancy
“Don’t Fix City Budget With More PSB Fees”
That’s the headline from a guest column in this week’s El Paso Inc. It was written by outgoing board member
A Penthouse in the Heart of Downtown
One of El Paso’s reclusive millionaires has a penthouse in downtown El Paso. I’ve always wondered what it looked like,
Expect Less
Billionaire Jeff Greene is taking lots of flack for saying “America’s lifestyle expectations are far too high and need to
Border Patrol Shoots, Kills Man Who Drove Through Sierra Blanca Checkpoint
Those Border Patrol checkpoints can be deadly. This story came from KURV710, Fox News Radio: The U.S. Border Patrol says
Go to Mexico
Travel in Mexico is great. The country is beautiful, the culture is rich, and the dollar is strong. A decent
NY Speaker Arrested for Corruption. Is Texas Next?
This from the Associated Press: New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver was arrested Thursday on public corruption charges and accused