When I quit being a hardcore, wake-and-bake, fully saturated marijuana junkie, when I tapered down to the occasional toke, when
Author: elrichiboy
Feds Run Amok
Those poor guys at the ATF can’t catch a break. Now they have to answer to members of Congress for
How To Live Like a King
It’s not all about glitter and glitz. Here’s a recipe for taking control of your life. 1. DON’T SMOKE CIGARETTES.
Juarez’ Secret Police
There are a couple of interesting stories on the intertubes today about former police chief Julián Leyzaola’s secret police unit,
More Good News: Antibiotics Are On The Way Out
Here’s an alarmist story from the BBC, about how we’re all going to get infections and die, because germs are
The DEA’s Ties to Criminal Organizations
Here’s an article in El Diario, in Spanish, which was originally posted in El Universal. The story makes the unremarkable
The Best Story About Ecuador on the Internet
Ecuador is widely touted on the internet as retirement Eden. Low prices, socialized medicine, and a relatively stable democracy have
The Gift That Keeps on Giving: The Ongoing Open Records Law Suit
Y’all may be surprised that the City is still fighting to keep our elected officials personal emails secret, even if
Glow-in-the-dark pigs
Are you having trouble finding your pig at night? Scientists in China have successfully bred glow-in-the-dark pigs using jellyfish DNA.
U.S. Biggest Threat to World Peace
We’re number 1, according to an international survey: The US has been voted as the most significant threat to world
Mass Murderer Treated Better Than Hacker
Welcome to Denmark: An international media campaign is targeting the Danish legal system’s treatment of Pirate Bay founder Gottfrid Svarholm
The Death of Prince and Nero’s
You may have read this story in the El Paso Times about The Westside Show Lounge closing. For years it
The Stupidity of the Border Fence and the Militarization of the Border
Here’s a piece on Salon that highlights the stupidity of increased border security. Last week, John McCain gleefully announced that
Greenwald: The Media are the Government’s Lapdogs
Here’s a summary of Glenn Greenwald’s address to a computer conference in Germany. “It really is the central view of
What happens after you’re dead?
Here’s an interesting interview with a doctor who specializes in bringing people back from the dead: There may be something
Investigative Report: The Dangers of Juarez
I hope you read this story in the New York Times about how Juarez is coming back. It’s good to
Skip Tracing Ryan Mullen
This story has everything. Skip tracing. Check printing machines that supply endless money. Yachts and Rolls Royces. I’m sure it
How Americans See Mexico
Here’s a story from El Diario editorializing on how Americans see Mexico (hence the title to this post): Speedy Gonzalez
Internal Migration in Juarez
This story in El Diario reports that nearly 100,000 people have changed residences within Juarez because of increasing insecurity in