A commenter posting under the handle Times Building Ghost on the blog Refuse the Juice said this: Do you know
Author: elrichiboy
BRIO Revisited
I am a big fan of public transportation. I like that effective public transportation relieves a person of the onerous
Des Moines: A Model for Economic Development
to this story from the National Journal, Des Moines is a hipster mecca. Young people here know what you think
El Paso’s Sales Tax Receipts Stay Flat
According to the Texas State Comptroller, sales tax receipts for the City of El Paso were flat for the past
The 19th Largest City in the U.S.?
You have, no doubt, heard the oft repeated factoid that El Paso is the 19th biggest city in the U.S.
I Rode the BRIO So You Wouldn’t Have To
I’m going to let you in on the dirty little secret that Sun Metro doesn’t want you to know: That
Conspiracy Theory?
Isn’t it great that I post two videos, and both of them get pulled? I tell you I am cutting
Gary Larsen’s Tales From The Far Side
Gary Larson's Tales From The Far Side by Arsene-desbois
The 5 C’s
When I was in grade school, shortly after the discovery of fire but before the invention of the wheel, we
600 Days and Counting
It’s been 600 days since an El Paso Police officer shot and killed a handcuffed prisoner in the sallyport of
Good News and Bad News
This week the El Paso Inc. brought us both good news and bad news. The good news is that there
The Purple Zone Revisited
Remember that story about the DEA raid on the smoke shop in Alpine? How the feds showed up dressed for
All My Friends
This just in: a new company will offer tours to our sister city this winter. Juarez Lowrider Tours is offering
Why Democracy Will Never Work in El Paso
“If it’s entirely a numbers game—numeric representation—then obviously you’d be talking to half the people in Hong Kong [that] earn
Marketing Advice from today’s Wall Street Journal
“Find your identity, and then throw everything you have behind that, because that’s going to be the most honest and
Something to Consider
“The No. 1 most significant risk to every organization is your well-intentioned, nonmalicious insider.” – Jeff Leek, chief information security
The Impending, Ongoing, QoL Bond Fiasco
Bad news for the Quality of Life Bond advocates. You got sold a pig in a poke. Remember when they
If they can’t read, how can we expect them to write?
This story from the August 16, 2014, El Paso Times, headlined US Department of State re-issues warning about traveling to
California Assemblyman Jess Unruh on Lobbyists
“If you can’t drink their booze, take their money, sleep with their women and then vote against ’em, you don’t