The El Paso Times Editorial Board weighed in on the significance of the recent election results. El Paso’s voters sent
Author: elrichiboy
Legal Pot in Texas?
Some of my homies have been telling me that legal is right around the corner. From the Houston Chronicle Online:
El Paso vs. Art
Maybe you’ve heard the chatter on your social media accounts about the City eighty-sixing Margarita Cabrera’s sculpture from the roundabout
We Deserve Better
This story in the Sun Shopper, er, I mean the El Paso Times, by ace reporter Aaron Martinez leaves a
Downtown Development? Thank Jim Scherr
The talk around the water cooler is that the owners of those new boutique hotels were motivated by the success
The Unintended Consequences of Branding
Do you remember when Sun Metro used to be called Sun City Area Transit? They had to change it because
Armed Home Invaders Kill 22 Year Old Man in Front of His Mother
Can you imagine if the victims had their own Public Information Officer, or spokesperson, who was pampered by a lap-dog
Limited Time Offer
I know downtown Juarez like a sailor knows the sea. This isn’t some rowdy, drunken, staggering frat fest. At least,
Wouldn’t it be cool if any of this story were true?
Here’s a story from respected internet portal Overpasses For America detailing how a bunch of Minutemen detained two men with
Just relax.
Maybe you heard about the burglary suspect who was shot by El Paso Police in his home, in front of
Mr. Rogers neighborhood, or equivalent
I recommend you get a house in an old neighborhood. Not just a house in an old neighborhood. A house
Our Secret: Code
If El Paso really wanted to be on the leading edge in the jobs market, the schools would teach coding.
They Think You’re Stupid. They Might Be Right.
Did you know, that no matter how much money MountainStar Sports Group makes from that ballpark, El Pasoans will never
Come on, we’ve got this.
According to data collected for this paper on patterns of drinking in the American Journal of Public Health, El Paso
I’ve got this crazy idea. What if, before City Council votes on anything, we ask each Representative if they received
It seems apt
Here’s a quote, dubiously attributed to Charles Bukowski, that seems appropriate to the local political scene. “The problem with the
From That Guy Who Always Rings Twice
I got a couple of interesting political advertisements in the mail today. One was from Yes! Yes! For El Paso
If you’ve ever eaten a fresh tomato in winter, you’ve probably eaten a tomato grown by slaves. If you’re one
Over the line
If El Paso wants to thrive, we need to reduce the disincentives to crossing the border. We need to debunk
We’re not citizens, we’re subjects.
How much of a voice do you have in the way you’re governed? Did you get a vote on the