People who say that we had to give City Manager Tommy Gonzalez a $61,000 raise to keep another city from
Author: elrichiboy

Regional Economic Development
The Borderplex Alliance, an entity dedicated to regional economic development, commissioned a study by Angelou Economics to develop a plan
The Empty Suit
Commenter Rex Kramer asks, regarding City Manager Tommy Gonzalez’ $61,000 raise, “Who really pulls the strings?” Wouldn’t it be kind
Some questions about the latest police shooting
How about this account from the El Paso Times of what happened during the police shooting on Dyer last week:
Throwing Other People’s Money Around
The El Paso Times ran an editorial Sunday that was atypically critical of city government. The El Paso City Council’s
Checks and Balances, El Chuco Style
The United States runs by a system of checks and balances. If the executive and the legislative branches disagree, then
The El Paso Police Shot Somebody, Maybe
From this story in the El Paso Times: A man was shot and killed Thursday night in a parking lot
Not Too Bad If You’ve Got Low Standards, Part 2
Did you see this article on clickbait website It claims that, among big cities in the U.S., El Paso
Another Two Bite the Dust
The bar business is dynamic. The barriers to entry in Texas are relatively small, and almost everyone who’s been in
The Price of Gasoline: Updated
Update: According to this story in yesterday’s English language daily, business is good for Western Refining. Western Refining beat analysts’
The Lives and Deaths of Jack Thompson: Updated
Update: I emailed Jason McGahan, the author The Chicago cocaine kingpin who was a federal informant, the original piece in
The Price of Gasoline
One time, years ago, I stopped for gas at the 7 Eleven at the corner of Mesa and University. At
Who Represents El Paso?
If you only read the local newspapers, and maybe watch the City Council meetings on the internet, you might not
The Lives and Deaths of Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson was one of those oversized personalities that El Paso frequently gives birth to. Jack was a drug dealer.
How to Live in El Paso: Rosco’s Burger Inn
In and Out? Fuddrucker’s? Johnny Rockets? Blake’s? And even (heresy alert) Whataburger? Forget it. El Paso has lots of great
The Onion: “It’s not funny anymore.”
You’re familiar with the Onion, the satirical magazine and website that pokes fun at American foibles. Well, yesterday they posted
More of the Same
From a July 29 article in El Paso’s English language daily: “I am confident that with the City Council’s guidance,
Not Too Bad If You’ve Got Low Standards
My City Rep posted this link on her Facepage. When it comes to walkable cities, Texas tends to get a
El Paso: A Metaphor
El Paso is like that really nice girl with the shitty boyfriend who treats her badly and maybe hits her
More on DestinationElPaso’s Branding Campaign
A friend of mine who worked on the city’s brand a while back saw my recent post and messaged me