You’ve probably heard that political considerations caused the ballpark bonds to be issued later than expected, and the delay cost
Author: elrichiboy
Spoiler Alert
In today’s El Paso Inc., there’s a story about an improper redaction by somebody in the office of our omniscient
Now that’s a good looking man.
According to the agenda for next Tuesday’s City Council meeting, the Mayor is reappointing Fire Chief Samuel Pena to the
Tim Cook on the Importance of Learning Computer Coding
Imagine what we could do if we took all that money we’re throwing away on ballparks and arenas and devoted
It’s Just Business
You may have heard of the workers at Juarez’ Lexmark plant getting fired for asking for a raise. Printer and
So how did they vote?
If you’re like me, you are mildly entertained by all the drama going on at City Hall, but you’re really
Coding as a Core Class
The Georgia State Board of Education has decided to allow high school students to include computer coding as a core
Happy Birthday, Ol’ Blue Eyes
Frank Sinatra, December 12, 1915 — May 14, 1998
Go Local: South Sun Rises
Here’s the first published literary effort from El Paso videographer Valentin Sandoval, and it’s pretty special. I’m no expert, but
Skipping Along the Primrose Path
Do y’all read Old Brutus is a bulldog. I know he looks like a Rottweiler, but really he’s a
The real story?
Given the nearly constant, egregious, dysfunctional, behavior of City Council and City Government, don’t you think that the recent righteous
Who can you trust?
The following paragraph appeared in the El Paso Times December 8, 2015 attempt to impose moral rectitude on City Hall,
From the Horse’s Mouth
From an article in the El Paso Times, regarding the selection of Ross Fischer of Golber Hilgers, PLLC, to investigate
Is that even legal?
Here’s a screen shot of the notice of the special City Council meeting yesterday. See where the meeting time is
El Día de Nuestra Señora
Saturday is El Día de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. A multitude will meet in front of the cathedral in Juarez
They must be around here somewhere.
Here’s a little tidbit from an El Paso Times editorial: At a City Council discussion Monday about ethics laws, it
The Ouija Speaks
Why, you are probably asking yourself, would El Paso need a downtown arena? I mean we’ve got the Don Haskins
Light at the end of the tunnel?
Did you see this story in the El Paso Times? On Tuesday, the City Council was supposed to take action
We’re Too Nice
People in El Paso are nice. That’s why we put up with so much crap. We don’t want to hurt
“Cast Down Your Bucket”
Before he mastered the B3, Booker T. Washington was an influential Black American. Here’s a paragraph from a speech he