This is what happens when you don’t harvest your broccoli when it’s ready. It might still be delicious. And now
Author: elrichiboy
How to Live in El Paso: The Boost
Here’s a cool book about a distopian future set right here in El Paso and Juarez. The Boost tells the
And they all lived happily ever after.
Let me tell you how the City Manager Tommy Gonzalez saga is going to end. The City will buy Mr.
It depends on who you are
Remember just a few short years ago, when City Council was circumventing state law to award El Paso a Triple
Here’s the proof
For the people who doubt that Juarez is getting better, here’s evidence, from the El Paso Times: Two men suspected
Bienvenidos, No Passport Required
Are you still not going to Juarez because you don’t have a passport? Your reluctance is unfounded. Here’s a quote
Oops, again.
The Pope is coming to Juarez to highlight his message about immigration? What a great opportunity to talk up El
An Acceptable Level of Risk?
If you want to know what it’s like to live in a police state, try walking through the Segundo Barrio
Papal Economics
Besides the million dollars we’re spending on security, do you think the Pope’s visit to Juarez will have an economic
You could have called to say goodbye. I might have tried to stop you, but maybe not. Everyone has the
How to win friends and influence people
With their current rate case, El Paso Electric Company (EPEC) is sticking it to its El Paso ratepayers so hard
Deliver us from idiots.
Let me get this straight. To highlight his message on immigration, the Pope will visit the actual border (presumably, the
A hundred years ago . . .
I was in Ciudad Chihuahua, in a bar in a restaurant close to the Hotel Victoria. I was delivering the
Compra Venta
I’m sitting at a booth at a window on the third floor of the Mercado Cuahtémoc, across the street from
Cable Update
Do you suppose this is the cable that we had to reorder from Germany, because the first one was too
How to Live Anywhere: Weed Pesto
If you live in El Paso, you probably have London Rocket growing in your yard right now. I guarantee that
Don’t Blame Bob
Lots of people blame El Paso Times Editor Bob Moore for a perceived slant to the coverage in our English
Mildly Interesting
This is the new sculpture they’ve erected in Juarez. It replaces the sculpture of an angel that some people thought
Idle Speculation
Do you suppose the local heavyweights turned sour on City Manager Tommy Gonzalez when they discovered that he would award
A Present from Our Friends at City Hall
The agenda for the December 7 Special Meeting of the City Council included this item: Discussion and action that the