Happy Days are Here Again!

Good news, El Paso. All that economic development we’ve been planning for is starting to pay off.

According to this story from LaPolaka, juarense businessmen are once again fleeing the wave of violence in their city and moving to ours.

De acuerdo con Gilberto Contreras Lara, presidente del CCE, existe preocupación e incertidumbre entre el sector empresarial, ante la ola de violencia que ha crecido y el pleito entre Javier Corral y Armando Cabada por los nombramientos en seguridad pública.

Manuel Sotelo, integrante del CCE, señalo que varios juarenses han emigrado a los Estados Unidos de nueva cuenta ante el brote de la ola criminal, y que está ocurriendo el mismo escenario que antecedió a la más sanguinaria guerra vivida en esta ciudad.

That is,

According to Gilberto Contreras Lara, President of the Business Coordinating Council [CCE in Spanish], worry and uncertainty exist in the business sector, as a result of the rising wave of violence and the disagreement between [Chihuahua Governor] Javier Corral and [Juarez Mayor] Armando Cabada over their public security appointments.

Manuel Sotelo, a member of the CCE, said that several juarenses have moved to the United States again after the outbreak of the wave of criminality, just like what happened before during the last bloody war in this city.

So I guess our economic development strategy is working?

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