Free Wifi in Downtown

According to this story in El Diario, visitors to downtown will soon enjoy free wifi:

La avenida Juárez contará con el servicio de Internet inalámbrico (wi-fi) para que los transeúntes tengan acceso a la red de manera gratuita, anunció ayer el coordinador de Proyectos de Regeneración del Centro Histórico, Eleno Villalba Salas.

El funcionario indicó que se pretende instalar seis modems, así como 17 antenas a lo largo de toda la avenida, desde el cruce con 16 de Septiembre hasta el puente Paso del Norte, para que los usuarios tengan una conexión estable.

Informó que la infraestructura será colocada por la compañía Teléfonos de México (Telmex) en las próximas semanas, aunque no se precisó la fecha en que la red inalámbrica estará a disposición de la ciudadanía.

In other words, for the benefit of the monoligual second-class citizens among us:

Juarez Avenue will feature wireless Internet (wi-fi) so that pedestrians have access to the network for free, Eleno Villalba Salas, coordinator of the Regeneration of the Historic Center Project announced yesterday.

The official said that plans to install six modems, as well as 17 antennas along the avenue, from the intersection with September 16 to the Paso del Norte Bridge, so users have a stable connection.

He reported that the infrastructure will be installed by the company Telefonos de Mexico (Telmex) in the coming weeks, although no specific date for the availability of the wireless network to the public has been announced.

Oh, yeah, that’s in Juarez. Here in El Paso we’re still using tin cans and string.


    1. Also, The powers that be in Juarez love to put a bandaid on a sucking chest wound. Wi Fi……. Sure. That will fix everything.

  1. Great. Now more people staring at their cell phone. I wonder if will reach the tunnels 🙂

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