Curiouser and curiouser

Isn’t it funny how the City of El Paso’s imminent insolvency is blowing up the local blogosphere, but none of the local media have picked up the fervor?

If someone were to come forward with a plan to avert the pending train wreck, you know that the people who got us here would dislocate their shoulders patting themselves on the back.

I recommend we cut back on services. Let the streets revert to dirt. Appoint a local constabulary from every block, to enforce the laws as they see fit. Cut back garbage service to every once in a while. Let the Fire Department go all-volunteer.

We can blame hubris. Our politicos believed their own PR. They went all in thinking that the river would fill an inside straight. It didn’t.

So let me tell you how a city goes bankrupt. Taxes go up. Services go down. People leave. Property values fall. Rinse. Repeat.

You’ll be okay if you’ve got a basement full of drinking water and a couple hundred rounds of ammo, and your house is paid for. Of course, if you’re thinking you should move, sell out now before housing prices crater.

One comment

  1. So let me tell you how cities go bankrupt. Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.

    I don’t know how I missed that the first time.

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